Tuesday, March 7, 2017


I bought way too many hawaiian rolls for pulled pork sliders (click here for that recipe - so good!) and stored the extras in the fridge...I knew I needed to find something to do with them when I opened the fridge, grabbed one and ate it standing in front of the fridge with the door still open just cuz they were there. Not even hungry - ok, they gotta go. I thought about feeding them to the seagulls but have you ever seen a flock of hungry seagulls when a person is feeding them? It's like watching "The Birds" and being attacked by a flock of seagulls is not cool.

Bird feeding is out. That leaves throwing them away or making them into breadcrumbs so I can at least use them in some way in the future, and eating a handful of breadcrumbs from the freezer isn't nearly as appealing as standing at the fridge shoving whole rolls in my mouth ;).

This is a long post to basically just tell you that I ground up some rolls in my food processor, put them in a large baggie and stuck it in the freezer. Hey, it's what I "made" today...they can't all be wine cork crafts ;)

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