Thursday, August 18, 2016

30 Day Ab Challenge

Yesterday's post was about the delicious chocolate peanut butter dessert I made for my sister's birthday (click here for that post, but then come back here for some exercise haha!) so I thought it only right to follow that up by sharing with you the ab workout I found on Pinterest and
started last week.

I'm up to 40 sit-ups and tomorrow is a rest day - yay! So far it hasn't been as hard as I feared haha and I'm not all that sore so I'm going to keep going and see how far I can get...on the last day it's 125 sit-ups and 200 crunches, wow - will I be able to do that? I'm not doing the leg raises tho, they hurt my back.

I also started a hand-weight program at the same time following a book I have (Smart Girls Do Dumbbells) - every day they have a "menu" of a few fairly simple exercises to do, takes me about 15-20 minutes. So between that and the ab workout (and I walk a lot) at least I'm trying to do something healthy to balance out all the good food I've been eating lately :)

Anyone up for doing the ab challenge with me?

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