Friday, September 25, 2015

Soccer Keychains

I was asked to fill in running my 12 year old niece's soccer practice last night - I told the coach (my sister) "sure, if we can also do a craft", she just sighed...I took it as a sign that she thought it was a great idea and why hadn't she thought of it before? Hahaha. I thought making keychains for their soccer bags would be cute and easy...ended up that while they are cute, they were not easy.

To save time I cut the correct lengths of cord before practice, sorted and packaged the beads, and drew out instructions for how to make square knots in between the beads.

After we practiced all the soccer stuff we were supposed to, we all sat in a circle to make the keychains - that's when the problems started. 12 year olds don't seem to have a very long attention span and while I was explaining they were talking, then they wanted to know how they were supposed to start....arrrrghhhhh! So I'd explain again and they'd ask again...then the beads were lost in the grass...hahaha, our 1/2 hour window was up before they had any beads on. This is not the first time I've held craft day for kids though so I did what my husband calls "punting" and told them to gather up their beads and supplies and take them home, maybe their parents can help - sorry to my soccer team parents ;). Yep, it's the last time I will attempt a craft during soccer practice, lesson learned.

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