Monday, October 19, 2015

halloween haunted gingerbread houses

Brooke and I had so much fun making these halloween gingerbread houses! It got a little silly (snacking on the building materials gave us both a sugar rush I'm sure) but in the end they turned out super cute. Watch her talking about the project...

We started with graham crackers and I thought we could just stick them together with frosting and shape our house, but that was a giant mess and it kept falling down (which made us laugh hard, seriously- there was frosting everywhere). Brooke asked if we couldn't just hot glue the crackers together and that gave us the idea to scrap the crackers and just build our houses out of cardboard and hot glue! We cut out 5 4" squares to make the walls and bottom, cut out 2 triangles for roof support and then B had the idea to use popsicle sticks for the roof. So having created sturdy houses that wouldn't fall over we continued on with frosting the entire thing in white, then stuck on lots of different candies to create our masterpieces. Of course because she is 12 it turned into a contest to see who made the better one, so on her video she is asking you to pick your favorite :) I had such a fun time doing this with her!


  1. First of all you ladies cheat. Cardboard and a glue gun? Seriously? You will never get jobs in Santa's workshop. Second of all, I guess I will vote for #2. For some reason that one is calling to me.. haha

    1. You should thank me, she wanted to give you the house to eat and not tell you it was cardboard! HA!
