Saturday, January 7, 2017

Style a Grocery Store Flower Bouquet

It's easy to make a generic bouquet of grocery store flowers look special by cutting the stems short and arranging in a short vase - they end up looking lush and full vs. plopping them straight from the bundle into a taller vase. I didn't take a before picture but the flowers were the regular bouquet length and when I put them in a standard vase they fell over to the side because the vase is too wide - cut them short though and crowd into a smaller shorter vase and they become much more "done" looking. Easy! I'd guess this vase is about 7" high and I cut the flowers about 14" tall, arrange the greenery that will fall over the sides in the vase first then add the flowers and straighter greenery. Just play with it until it's even on all sides and you like how it looks!

This was made with only one bundle of flowers and look how full it looks - turned out pretty. It's the perfect size centerpiece on our dining room table.

Tip: the water and flowers will stay fresher longer if you remove all the greenery from the stems that are under water. And if you put them someplace cold at night they will last way longer.

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