Monday, August 24, 2020

Amish Friendship Bread Part 2 (a little trick)

Let's say you want to make the amish friendship bread that I posted Saturday (click here), but after a couple go 'rounds you are out of friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and enemies to give a starter to - but you want to make the bread one last time and then break the cycle. What to do - throw out the 4 starters? Or what if there's a way to make the bread without wasting any batter? Here's where my experimenting comes in - I have a solution!!

For the record, I have no idea why I did it this way and why it still worked. But I did, and it did.

When I poured the bag into a non-metal bowl as in instruction #1 there is 3 cups of starter. Instruction #2 says to add 1 1/2 cups each of flour, sugar, and milk and then separate out 4 starters. Well if I did that step I'd end up with approximately 7 1/2 cups batter. Here's where my logic might have been a little wonky - If I have 7 1/2 cups batter and took out the 4 cups for the starters I'd be left with 3ish cups of batter. Which is what I had before doing step 2. So I just skipped step 2 and 3 and continued on with the recipe.

And the result is 2 loaves of fantastic bread that we devoured.

Plus side - we got 2 loaves of fantastic bread that we devoured.
Negative side - no more starters means no more fantastic bread. It's a loss I'm ok with for now. Someday I'll wish I could have more of this bread but for now I'm done babysitting batter and can move on to other things.

Click here for the original post and recipe for Amish Friendship Bread.

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