Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tip-sy Tuesday: J Crew Rolled Sleeves

I saw this article in a Country Living post about how to roll up your sleeves 'the correct way' - which is also known as the J Crew method. And guess what? It works! The cuff looks nicer than my usual random rolling and they stay put so much better. Todays tip isn't my tip, but it's a tip I've been doing for a while now and want to share with you. 

1. fold your sleeve up about half way (higher or lower depending where you want the cuff to sit on your arm - I tend to wear it above my elbow so the sleeve stays out of my way)

2. from the bottom, fold up about halfway.

3. repeat rolling the cuff up one more time. Adjust the tails that are showing. 

That's it! Here's a diagram that probably makes more sense than my words:

And here's what it looks like in real life:

11.2.20: flamingo donut cake

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