Monday, July 22, 2024

Pop Tab Earrings by Gracie

Today is my niece Gracie's 21st birthday, I'm reposting this cute jewelry craft she shared with me back in '20 in her honor. Happy Birthday G!! 


Pliers, soda tabs, earring loops and chain the length you want your earring to hang

First you're going to need to open up a chain link on both ends

Then put the tabs in one of the open links, then put the earring loop in the other (or if you don't want them to dangle on the chain just put the tabs and the earring loop in the same open link)

Close that bad boy up and boom - you got a cute earring 

Jill here - last time I saw G she had on one pop top earring and one zipper pull earring and I loved how original and hip she looked! Whodathunk to make cool earrings from pop tabs?!

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