Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tip-sy Tuesday: Ginger

 In case you haven't worked with fresh ginger I thought I'd share a couple tips:

1. when buying ginger you don't have to purchase the whole giant piece, you can break off what you need (at least that's what I do and no one has ever told me that it doesn't work that way haha)

2. peel off the outer brown skin using a small paring knife, the ginger is knobby so just make small cuts trying to only remove the outer part. I've seen a technique to peel it using a spoon but I've never done that. You could use a vegetable peeler but it's hard to work it around all the bumps.  

3. to grate the ginger for recipes like this one for PF Chang inspired lettuce wraps,  I run it along a microplaner, if you have a different grater use it, like you would grate carrots or whatever, if the pieces are large tho I would then mince it up with a knife. The microplaner lets you get really small pieces. 

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