Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Bath Salts

I have a big jar of Epsom salts next to my bath tub, I've been buying them already scented but I decided this time to make make my own - I'm asking myself why haven't I been doing this all along? There are lots of "recipes" online but I didn't want to do anything fancy, just plain old scented salts - so I put about 6 cups of salt in a big glass bowl and added 30 drops each of eucalyptus and lavender essential oils, mixed it all up and then realized that the eucalyptus wayyyyy overpowers the lavender so I added more lavender until it smelled like both scents. Just like my cooking, I just added more until it was what I wanted :). So easy!

Tip: I keep a small plastic scoop in the jar and add a few scoops to the running bath water. I made the mistake of keeping a pretty wood scoop in there before but the salt destroyed it! Lesson learned - I recommend using plastic.

If I make this as a gift in the future I'll probably tint it a pretty color using dye that's ok for your skin - I have a bunch of colors for when we make soap.

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