Monday, December 11, 2017

Tinsel Wreath

I just made the easiest wreath ever. I'm feeling a little guilty for even saying I "made" this, but it turned out so pretty that I'm sharing it anyway :). I got all the materials at a dollar store so this literally cost me all of $6 total and took less than 10 minutes to assemble.

All I did was wrap 4 (9') strands of tinsel garland around a 14" wire wreath, just tie one end on and wrap! That's it! Seriously, you agree I should feel a little shame for using basically no creativity at all to make this - right? HAHAHA. Whatever. I like it.

Oh, and I tied on a silver bow to finish it - they had all kinds of other things (snowflakes, stars, bells, ornaments...) that would look good attached to the wreath, and there was lots of different colors and types of tinsel so you can be as "creative" as you want with this simple project!

one year ago: chicken marsala
two years ago: Scott showed me how to make a Christmas tree using pine garland and 2 tomato cages. genius.

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