Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Handmade Snowman Pillow

Mary made me this pillow a while ago - I love it, it makes me happy to get it out every year and think of her, and it's so creative that I want to share it with you. I keep thinking I'm going to copy her idea and make another one ... some day I def will. Isn't it cute?!

I didn't ask her how she made it, but I can take a guess...

It looks like she cut all the snowman pieces out of fleece and whipstitched them onto a big square of plaid fleece with (my guess is) embroidery thread, and add buttons/beads for eyes, mouth, and body. My favorite part is the little twig broom (you could also use a stick) she slid between the body and mitten. So cute. Hand stitch "let it snow" using the photo as a guide - it's a little thicker and might be yarn. After the front is done sew to another big square of plaid fleece to make a pillow cover, then stuff with either batting or make the pillow the size of a standard pillow you can use as an insert. She sewed the front and back together with cord trim (you can buy that by the yard at fabric stores), it's a nice extra touch.

Thanks again for my adorable pillow Mary!!

one year ago: Marquee Letters

two years ago: Fireball Hot Toddy

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