Saturday, July 21, 2018

Organizing...the motorhome

This is probably uninteresting to most of you, and I don't have pictures, but I spent the whole day organizing the motorhome inside and out. When we first got it I just stuck things in all the big open drawers and shelves with no rhyme or reason, and now that we've been camping a few times and I have a better sense how we are using the space it was easy to come up with some storage solutions and better organization.

Outside I took everything out of all the different storage areas (we have 4 under the camper) and grouped things together - now one space holds all the folding chairs, tables, covers and bungees; another holds floats, bike stuff, outdoor games, the air compressor, etc; there's a large one in the back that now has the grill, extra propane bottles, tools, long term storage of sofa bed sheets, etc; and a small one holds extra drinks and cleaning tools like the swiffer and brooms. There - much better. Now we only have to open one storage area to access what we need (I'm tellin' ya, before it was all jumbled together and crammed in various places - not cool!).

Inside I took everything out of the kitchen and pantry cabinets; using small rubbermaid boxes I put everything back so it makes more sense and once again, everything is grouped together by type and how often it gets used. (and I may have labeled things even tho I'm the only one using the space, but whatever.). In the bedroom area I hung up removable command hooks for hats and other accessories, and hung a shoe holder (I had to cut it in half) to hold gloves, winter hats (not needed right now but I will eventually), hair bands, sunglasses; and put a 3 drawer plastic stand in the "closet" to hold our shoes...In the shower I put up an adjustable curtain rod across the back to hang wet clothes (when we can't put them outside on the drying rack). There are also removable command hooks now by the door holding keys, dog leashes, and a fly swatter (an unfortunate necessity while camping!).

It'll be nice to have things in places that make sense and is wayyyyyy more organized that it was before. I think I'll go get a float (I know right where they are!) and head to the lake Happy Saturday! :)

one year ago: the everything cheeseball

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