Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Seasoned Breadsticks

I was asked to bring rolls to dinner the other night and of course I can't just bring rolls, that'd be too easy. But I didn't have a lot of time so I doctored store-bought breadstick dough with olive oil and spices and made spiral breadsticks to go with Steven and Candy's goulash dinner - yum.

This is hardly a recipe, more like a tip or trick:

-Open the can.
-Lay the dough in 2 sections on a parchment lined baking sheet. I saved time and didn't separate them until after adding the seasoning.
-Brush with olive oil.
-Liberally sprinkle with spice of your choosing. For one half I did 'herb salad' blend and the other half I used coarse black pepper and coarse salt. They pretty much looked the same after baking. Use whatever you have - I've done poppy seeds, italian spices, garlic salt...all good.
-Turn the dough over and repeat on the other side.
-Separate the breadsticks and twist them a couple of times to make a spiral.
-Place on baking pan, gently press the ends so the curl doesn't come out.
-Bake following the directions on the can.

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