Monday, December 9, 2024

Christmas Tree Optical Illusion

This is not really an optical illusion but I'm calling it that since it's in the spirit of what I was going for when I learned we'd be home in Michigan for Christmas this year and I really wanted a taller tree but didn't want to buy one and have to store it (we aren't often here and I've been putting up 3 smaller 3' trees for quite a while now). So I put one tree on the mantle, and two trees on a short table underneath and 'created' what feels like a tall tree by stringing lights over all three to sort of connect them together. Might be a dumb idea, but I don't care -  I'm really enjoying sitting by our tall tree! 

I decorated each tree in a different theme, I could have combined all three for a more cohesive look but I like each tree having its own thing and think it works. Check out Georgie's tree art in the space between the 2 bottom trees as filler, it makes me happy to look at this every day! 

12.9.23: words

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