Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tip-sy Tuesday: squash

Roasting squash is super easy: I cut the squash in half  (I cut a bit of the top and bottom off first so it stands up straight, sometimes it's hard to cut thru a squash so having a stable bottom helps), scoop out the seeds and pulpy center, cut into big chunks. Put on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, pop in a 350' oven until it's cooked thru and soft. Sometimes I drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper, other people add a little water to the pan, some do cut side down or up - all of that is up to you. I just normally put the pieces on a baking sheet cut side up and put them in the oven. The baking time will depend on how big your squash pieces are, it's usually an hour for mine.

A cool tip I have for you is if you have an ice cream scoop with a point on it, use it to scoop out the squash - it's so easy that way! Otherwise you can use a spoon, and if you have one with a pointed end even better. 

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