Monday, November 4, 2019

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Hmmmm...I did not know that there is actually pumpkin puree in a pumpkin spice latte. Did you know that? I just assumed it's milk/cream in coffee, flavored with pumpkin pie spice - nope, it also has pumpkin. Interesting.

 I'll tell you a little secret that I'm worried makes me un-American or something...I'm not a pumpkin spice fan. I know, I know - shocking.

So what made me want to make a pumpkin spice latte from scratch? Well I came across a recipe, saw it has pumpkin puree in it, and I have leftover from making those pumpkin pie twists, and it was cold this morning, and I wondered if I made a homemade one if I'd like it better....I figured what the heck, let's try it. About 2 minutes later I was sipping this and for real, it's so much better (to me) than store-bought that I'm now a cautious convert.

I adapted the recipe I found here to suit my tastes - which is not overly sweet, fat-free milk, and cool whip since I don't dare have real whipped cream on hand (!). Obviously if you use 2% or whole milk, and add more sugar it'll be richer and more decadent - but I'm enjoying how mine turned out. Here's how I made it:

Put 1/2 cup milk, 2 T. pumpkin puree, and 2 t. sugar in a glass measuring cup and microwave for 1 minute until hot but not boiling. Whisk in a dash of vanilla, 1/4 t. pumpkin pie spice, and 1/2 cup hot strong coffee. Top with a spoonful of cool whip, sprinkle additional pumpkin pie spice on top.

me, before making homemade spiced lattes!

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