Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Mounds Cake

Dave requested a 'mounds cake' for his birthday which drives me crazy. Backstory - years ago a woman in his office made a mounds cake for him and he was gaga gushing about it. I hadn't known him long when he was telling me about this amazing cake, but he asked her for the recipe so he could have me make it for him again. Well either I was the new girlfriend and this lady didn't like me, or she was one of those people who doesn't like to share their recipes, or she was mean and just wanted to sabotage the cake - because the recipe she gave him to give to me was nothing like the cake she made him! LOL!! Really, who does that. So, fast forward to the next 20 years when every year he wants a mounds cake, and every year I try to make a different version of one trying to match this random lady's mounds cake and sure enough every time he says 'nope, still not as good as whats-her-names'. Insert eye roll. And shaking of head. And clenched jaw. Because I'm sick and tired of trying to make a mounds cake that is as good as the one he remembers in his mind that I'm sure wasn't all that amazing because how could I have not come close after attempting it like 50 times??? Huh? Answer me that Dave!

Ok, rant over. 😂

Onto this years mounds cake. It's devils food cake base, topped with coconut filling and hot chocolate icing. What's not to like - seems like a mounds cake to me, if that's your thing. And for the record it's delicious so I don't get what his problem is hahahaha!! Oh, and even tho he always says it isn't like that darn ol' original mounds cake he never turns his nose up and doesn't eat it all LOL! 

Brooke added the candles, that'll teach him for jerking my (mounds cake) chain

Bake a devils food cake mix, doctored up with an extra egg and a scoop of sour cream,  in a 13x9" cake pan according to directions. 

During the last 5 minutes of baking, combine in a bowl and stir well:

  • 5 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1 (14oz) can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 1/2 cup confectioners sugar
When cake is done, remove from oven and cool. Poke holes in cake with a fork, spoon coconut mixture over cake (the juice will seep into the holes). 

For the chocolate frosting you'll need:
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 box confectioners sugar
  • 7 T. cocoa
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 t. vanilla
Melt butter in small sauce pan on medium low. Add confectioners sugar, cocoa, and milk. Stir well until sugar melts and everything is well combined. Once the mixture reaches the consistency of hot fudge, remove from heat and add vanilla. Pour over cake, spread to smooth the top. Allow to cool and then refrigerate, tastes better if you bake the day before serving. 

The frosting is great - reminds me of Texas sheet cake frosting because it's poured over the cake while still hot, and then hardens so it crunches when you cut into it. SO GOOD!

based on a recipe found here

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