Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day '22

Today is 'boxing day' - I have another post from '18 about boxing day that I'll repost below; I'm pretty much in the same boat as back then on this day after Christmas when the house is a wreck and I don't have anything else to write about LOL. My wish for this boxing day is that someone would come over and help me box all this stuff up! And also box up the huge amount of leftovers we have - the ham (which turned out terrific by the way, I highly recommend this recipe next time you want to make a ham! click here for that post) and scalloped potatoes (which also turned out amazing, not gonna lie I had them for breakfast and will most likely also eat them for lunch and dinner) are going to last us for many meals! Anyway - happy boxing day!

from 12/18:

I don't actually know what "Boxing Day" is - I thought it was an old English thing about packing up leftovers the day after Christmas to take to the downtrodden, but I randomly heard the other day it's  a custom (not sure where?) that the servants/housekeepers/maids/etc. who had to work on Christmas Day received boxes of food the day after...I didn't ask 'uncle Google' so I don't know what the definitive definition is. This is totally beside the point - I only titled this "Boxing Day" because it's the day after Christmas and I don't have anything else to post because I spent the entire day, repeat the entire day, cleaning the garage. Which is nothing to blog about.

It kept me busy and was quite the chore;  I'm super dirty and covered in glitter. Side note: if you don't know me and wonder why cleaning the garage makes me covered in glitter - (a) my craft room is in a corner of the garage, (b) when you are glittering something like a pinecone wreath and the garage door goes up mid-glittering, (c) glitter goes everywhere. Then (d) your husband asks repeatedly and in a very confused voice, "why is there glitter everywhere in the garage?", and (e) you realize that he rarely complains about the mess you make crafting ALL the time and you should probably (f) do your best to clean up said glitter. Whew, that was a lot of points to make - right?

Wish there was a picture to show you how much glitter I swept up. (PS: there's also a lot of dirt in the garage, it isn't only glitter. Just sayin'). So now it's nighttime, I'm tired and sweaty/glittery, and realize I didn't blog an actual thing today. Tomorrow for sure :).

12.26.21: 🔥 week 52

12.26.19: naughty gingerbread man

12.26.18: boxing day

12.26.17: chex mix

12.26.16: melting snowman cookies

12.26.15: Janis's crunchy fruity granola

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