Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sliding Side Lunge

As promised (or threatened depending how you look at it haha) here is a leg and butt exercise to try and negate some of those calories from Super Bowl Sunday! I don't have these slider things so I just use paper plates instead. Be careful to not let your knee go past your toes when you lunge, if you push your butt back like you are going to sit in a chair it helps keep your knee from coming too far forward (and be careful to not slip while standing on the sliders...um, not that it happened to me or anything LOL). Obviously don't do this if it hurts or is uncomfortable, I'm not a trainer people so don't get mad or sue me if it doesn't work for you (!) but this is a good move (in addition to other types of lunges and squats) for your quads and booty! 

Oh, and if you aren't into today's post just wait for tomorrow's - mini bundt brownies! I'm such a hypocrite hahahahahahah.......

Slider Side Lunge

Sculpts outer booty and quads!
Begin with your weight shifted into your left leg, right foot on a slider. As you lower your booty down, push the slider out with your right leg so that you’re in a side lunge position. Make sure your left knee doesn’t go past your toes. Drag the slider back as you return to start.
Complete 14 reps, then switch sides x3

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