Monday, July 15, 2019

Felt Flowers


Check out the beautiful felt flowers Miss Lori made - I'm so, so impressed with how talented my friend is (and if I'm being truthful I'm also a tiny bit jealous - I mean c'mon, I make silly Lego crap and she's turning out these stunning flowers?). Just look how pretty they are, are you thinking what I'm thinking and cannot wait to attempt this yourself? 'Cuz after seeing these photos my first thought was 'I need to learn how to do this, and I need to do it asap'!

Big thanks and shoutout to Miss Lori for sharing this with me (and you!) along with a few notes, I will absolutely be attempting to make these in the near future. Seriously, I love these wreaths so much...I can't even pick a favorite, they are all gorgeous.

Here's what Lori has to say about making them:

Thank you Jill! I saw this little video on the Hobby Lobby website and gave it a whirl!  (I started with the flowers on the side like in the video but I didn’t like how it hung when it was done, so changed it up a bit)

I did a little variation on the one where you clip straight lines along the fold-I just did the cuts diagonally instead and it turned out cute!

For the tall, longer flowers, you use the same folded and clipped piece that is shown in the video and then hot glue at the top of the wire then wrap the piece around and around from top to bottom, push it up to where you like and hot glue bottom in place.

For the flower with the felt center, I just cut the inner piece for example, 1 inch and the outer piece 2 inches.  Cut and rolled the inner, then cut and rolled the outer piece over it.

I tried a couple variations-a 6 petal flower instead of 5, and I used pinking shears on a couple.

I saw this pic for the daisy-it is the only one that is sewn rather than hot glued-

By altering the colors and sizes the possibilities are endlessly wonderful!  The best thing, they don’t take long at all!

This is it for a bit now though, my fingers need a break from hot glue!

7.15.18: greek chicken bowls
7.15.17: card holder
7.15.16: Jen organizes some clutter

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