Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How to Separate an Egg

I overheard a conversation (what's the difference between overhearing and eavesdropping? I don't know - whichever it was lets just go with 'I overheard'...) between a couple behind me at the grocery store, and the guy said what a good cook his mom is - "she even knows how to separate an egg and stuff". At first I thought to myself "well separating an egg doesn't mean she's a good cook" but that wasn't very nice, I don't know his mother at all and she might be an amazing cook. Then I tried to remember who taught me how to separate an egg, I feel like I've always known but not sure how - did I see it on tv? Did I teach myself? Were there numerous attempts and lots of broken eggs on my part figuring it out? That memory is gone... So my little tip for today is how to separate an egg if you don't already know!

I didn't talk on this video, I think it's pretty obvious what I'm doing without explanation. You'll need 2 bowls, one for the egg white and one for the yolk. Crack the egg open over one bowl, as it cracks in half let the white run out into the bowl but tip your hands so the yolk stays in the shell. Then transfer the yolk back and forth between the 2 shell halves until all the egg white separates from the yolk and is in the bowl. Then put the yolk into the second bowl. Repeat as necessary for your recipe.

Now your kids can tell people what a good cook you are :).

2022 update: I have no idea why my videos keep disappearing! you can look for this on my youtube channel  https://youtu.be/VRg6WA1LWfo

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