Saturday, October 1, 2016

Weekend Coffee Treat

got this mug in Nuremberg - says
something about being sorry I wasn't
listening because my thoughts are
more interesting than what you're saying!
During the week I drink plain black coffee and it's fine...not great, but fine. So on the weekend I'll splurge and add some sweetener (I've been using up the vanilla coffee syrup I made for Brooke's Purple Drink, click here for that post) and then my favorite thing is to spray canned whipped cream on top. Mmmmmm, love.

You could go crazy and add a little shot of some pick-me-up (ahem, Kailua or Baileys) but that'd make me sleepy so I'm happy with the syrup and whipped cream!

PS: I used to add flavored coffee creamer every day but then my dental hygienist told me that she feels like people who drink creamer tend to have more tartar...and I will do anything to avoid more teeth scraping at the dentist so I quit the creamer and just drink straight black. We'll see at my next appointment if it made a difference!


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