Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Aunt Volunteer

Taking a pause in the middle of my travel posts to talk about being a school volunteer and trying to be involved and make a difference (at least to my nieces haha!). When we moved back to Michigan in 2002 I wasn't working and needed a "purpose" - my sister suggested volunteering in my niece Paige's 2nd grade classroom. 

field trip with P. 2004

At the time I thought that might be perceived by her teacher as a little weird since I don't even have kids and they didn't know me, but they were SO happy for volunteers that they embraced me whole-heartedly and I've been a consistent "aunt volunteer" (sort of like a parent volunteer, right?) ever since. And I was a darn good volunteer if I say so myself LOL - I've made books, wrote out report cards, decorated classrooms (looking at you, Mrs. Green), set up filing systems, mastered the printer so well that actual school employees would ask me how to make copies (I joked that the printer room was my "office"). I have so many stories and memories that I love - one of my favorites is the year I was helping out Mr. Henning who wasn't sure how to use my volunteering skills so he asked Mrs. Green (who always knew how to put me to good use!) what he should have me do. I don't know what she told him but one day he handed me a big stack of files and asked me to "Jill-ify" them. Awwww, I have a word made up for me hahaha!

Halloween parade thru town with Brooke 2011

Fast forward (and really, it has gone FAST) 15 years and today is my last day following my niece Brooke thru her elementary and middle school journey - she starts high school in the fall (!) and I'm fairly certain that continuing on with her would be (a) really embarrassing for her, (b) downright strange - is there such thing as a "helicopter aunt"?, and (c) too intimidating for me - most middle schoolers are already taller than me, I'm not sure I could take having a whole school of high schoolers towering over me HAHA!! Anyway, I'm not going to move on (you're welcome Brooke) so I'm pretty sure today is my last day (unless I go crash second grade, my favorite).

Who knows what my next experience will be - I'll be looking for other ways to make a difference/make an impact/make someone's day a little easier/make myself get out of bed and dressed - but for now I'm "retired".

I feel like there should be cake involved.

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