Friday, December 8, 2017

Crocheted Cactus

Yep, you read the title right...I crocheted a cactus. The reason is because of a funny story my friend Kelly told me a long time ago about someone she knows receiving a homemade felt cactus that Kelly thought was horrific but her friend loved - Kelly couldn't stop laughing at this ridiculous felt cactus. So of course I said "you know I'm going to crochet you a cactus now, right?" and it's been a running joke since...driving across country with time on my hands and some green yarn in the van, I finally got around to making it for her. And for how stupid I expected this to be it actually turned out really cute!

I made two different ones because they didn't take much time at all to crochet,  I like the prickly pear one the best so gave that one to Kelly - and now I need to make another one for myself haha!! I found the directions here if you want to make someone a cactus ;)

I wrapped it in a pretty bag and when I gave it to her I asked "can you guess what this is?" and she immediately said "is it a cactus?". Then she laughed hard, which was the point.

To assemble the cactus I bought a dollar store mini pot with a fake plant in it, pulled out all of the flowers but kept one of the wires. Put the "soil" over the wire to hold it in place, and then sew the cactus pieces together using yarn and a big needle. 


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