Friday, April 12, 2019

Dog in the Blog...what's in my bowl?

Hi ~ it's Sarge. The dog. Been awhile since I've posted anything but I have to tell you what my mother is up to now and how I'm not so happy about it. Apparently I eat my food too fast so I'm still hungry after I eat my dinner so I may or may not yell at her to give me some more; she came up with this "brilliant" - her words, not mine - idea to slow me down...she puts an obstacle in the bowl along with my food! She is still doing the whole "adding canned green beans to my food to try to fool me that I'm getting more food but I'm on to her" thing, and now she's adding obstacles. What? That's just wrong - are ya' with me? Mean, right? A guy just wants to eat his dinner and be left alone, geesh. 

what the?

hello, what is in my bowl?

are you going to leave it there?

sigh. whatever. I'm hungry so...

Jill here: I got this idea when I was contemplating buying a twenty-five (!) dollar dog bowl that had a bone shape molded into the center of it so it takes the dog longer to eat his food. I came to my senses before buying the expensive bowl and a light bulb went on - I should just put something in with his food to get the same outcome. We have a couple rubber Kongs (toys that you can put food or treats inside) so I've been putting a little food inside one and placing it in the center of his dinner. I was initially worried he would just pick the Kong out and put it aside before scarfing his food but he doesn't! He eats around it and then removes it from the bowl and works to get the remaining kibble out of the middle. It has really slowed him down - there were a few dirty looks in the beginning of this experiment, but now it doesn't even faze him. 😂

4.12.18: one year old's birthday cake
4.12.17: granola cookies
4.12.16: tidying up

Happy moment ~ coffee (or was it really bloody mary's?) with a friend

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