So, let's be clear here. I am usually organized and neat, I like things to have a home so I know exactly where they go, and I don't like clutter. But...when I'm working on a project things tend to spread out and get out of hand and the next thing I know my house is a disaster. And then I get a wee bit cranky because I am usually organized and neat, I like things to have a home, and I don't like clutter. It's a problem.

Today's tip is how to organize fabric because I literally had a pile of fabric on the floor in the middle of my craft room from making masks - I'm not talking about a neatly folded pile of fabrics, nay, I'm talking a mountain of wadded up fabric that was so big I couldn't even step over it - and I knew I had to reign it in somehow. Which naturally led me to googling solutions instead of just folding the fabric, because it was much easier to play on the computer then get up and actually get shizzle done. My favorite idea is wrapping the fabric around comic boards and standing them up on a shelf - organized, I can easily see what I have, and it looks beautiful.

And then my project was delayed a couple more days because I had to order comic boards from Amazon, and then a couple more days because I couldn't figure out how to fold the fabric around the boards which led to more googling of solutions. In case you're still reading and you want to know, fold the fabric in half with the selvage edges together, then fold in half again. That should give you a rectangle about 10" tall. Put a comic board (btw, I had to research what a comic board is - thin paper boards that are meant to support collectable comic books that are then placed in protective bags) on top and wrap the fabric neatly around. Some people use plastic clips to keep the fabric from unwrapping, don't use pins or metal clips because in time they might rust and ruin the fabric; I didn't clip them and so far just being wedged together is keeping the fabric in place.

Finally I got the technique down, wrapped all the fabric, and found a basket big enough to file them in. Ahhhhhhh, I can't even tell you how happy this makes me - I keep going into the craft room just so I can look at them. And it'll be so easy now for people to pick their mask pattern, love that too!
You are like my sister. She is organized like this too with her fabric.