Monday, August 12, 2024

Fluffy Peach Tutu

Well I just disappeared for a few days, didn't I?!! Things have been extra-extra lately and the blog had to be overlooked until I could catch myself up! Between a bunch of birthdays and our internet going out I just haven't ben able to post like I normally do. But I'm back and can't wait to show you some of the things that I've made lately!

First up - I made this adorable fluffy tutu for Georgie's 1st birthday party - I made another for her high chair that I'll show you later, it's got ribbons and things among the tulle strips; this one is just a fluffy solid peach tulle. I didn't know how to make a layered tutu so I did a little 'research' (hello Mr. Google and Youtube LOL) and it's super easy.

I didn't have George's waist measurement so figured I'd just make it adjustable by tying the tulle to a 1" satin ribbon, that way I could add more or take some away once we tried it on her. First I cut 6" wide tulle into 14" strips; put 2 strips together, fold in half, tie onto the ribbon using a larks head knot; repeat until I thought it would be long enough. Then I cut the same 6" wide tulle into 12 1/2" strips, and tied them the same way in between the longer strips. That's it - so easy and didn't take very long at all. Wrapped it around her waist and tied the ribbon in a bow to close it. 

8.12.23: words

8.12.22: candied almonds

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