Saturday, September 16, 2017

Make My Day Camp Turns 2!

Well that year went fast. Feels like I just wrote about turning 1 and now it's 2 already! I had no idea 730 posts ago that I'd still be doing this 2 years later - or that you'd continue to read my blog! Thank you SO much for reading, sharing, liking, and supporting my crazy/hectic/scatter-brained/silly/and hopefully useful/helpful/inspiring blog. I appreciate all of you!

Since I have a never-ending list of things I want to try (it'll always be never-ending because I continuously add to it haha!), I don't have any plans to stop posting and sharing with you - and if you have any ideas you'd like me to try, or great projects you've done and would like to share, please let me know :)

To celebrate I'm holding a drawing again for a $25 Michaels gift card - to enter either leave me a comment below, or go to Facebook and follow the directions there. I'll leave it open until Monday 9/18 at noon e.s.t. then draw a random name from the list of people that do either one and let you know. Good luck!

Two years ago today: it all started with sprinkles 

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