Thursday, July 18, 2024

Boiled Beets and Greens

Kyle gave me some beets from their garden and told me that he boils them whole with the greens attached so I thought I'd give it try - they turned out great and it's easy to do. There's a little bit of work involved but it's not hard. Wash the beets and greens thoroughly to remove all the dirt, put in a large pot and cover with water. Boil until you can pierce them with a fork (like checking if boiled potatoes are done). Drain. Let them cool until you can handle them, then remove the peel by rubbing off with a paper towel (or peel with your fingers). Cut off the greens, I chopped them up into bite-sized pieces and ate them as a side dish, they reminded me of a cross between spinach and swiss chard and are delicious! Ok, that's not exactly true - I initially ate a bowl of them at 9:00 at night as a bedtime snack and then the next day I ate them as a side for dinner haha. I added a little butter, salt and pepper and loved them. After removing the greens, trim the tops of the beets so they are smooth. That's it. Now they are ready for however you want to use them - cold beet salad with spinach and goat cheese is one of my favorites, but I love beets every way I've ever had them! Thanks again Kyle!

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7.18.21: ðŸ”¥ week 29
7.18.20: ding dong ditch
7.18.19: msih - mexican stuffed peppers
7.18.18: Cathy's strawberry pie (so good!!)
7.18.17: tip to keep off the shoulder tops off the shoulder!
7.18.16: Jen's tip for washing baseball hats

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