Monday, December 20, 2021

Felt Gift Card Holder

I thought I posted this before but can't find it so if you've seen it here before then just use this as a reminder of how cute these are hahaha. I can't remember how I closed the open one on the right, maybe it just has the white top tucked into the holder to contain the gift card - the one on the left closes by folding down the triangle flap and looping the twine around the bow.

For both examples I cut two different colors of felt, big enough to hold a gift card. Cut the piece that will be the backside a couple inches longer so you have enough material to fold over the front piece. The finished size of the holder is 4.5" tall x 4" wide, so cut the front piece 4.5 x 4 and the back piece 6.5 or 7" tall and then cut one end into a point as shown in the picture. 

When making the holder I initially was just going to glue the front and back together, but then I stitched them instead and think that looks nicer - gluing is totally fine tho and a bit quicker (other than waiting for the glue to dry). For the red/gray version, poke a hole in the point of the back piece (I use a small hole punch) and tie a length of bakers twine to form a loop. Fold it over the front piece and glue a small bow where the twine will reach it. A little button would look cute too - hold on one sec and I'm going to run and make another to show you ... 

...15 minutes later I'm back. That's including finding and cutting felt, picking a button and twine, hand sewing the button on and threading the sewing machine. I made this one 5" square, and cut the back piece 7.5" for the flap - it's bigger than I need for a gift card, but I'm going to use it for a small gift instead. 

12.20.19: caprese bites

12.20.18: cheeseball wreath

12.20.17: chocolate peppermint crinkle cookies 

12.20.16: tiger fudge (although I think it should be called Buckeye Bars!)

12.20.15: corn bread with jalapeños and cheese mini muffins

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