Monday, October 29, 2018

Bloodshot Eyeball Appetizer

Here's a cute last minute Halloween party idea - I didn't make this up, there's lots of people online who've made them so I don't know who to credit with the idea. Not sure how much red food coloring we're supposed to be eating but a little goes a long way when making these "eyeballs" so it's not like you're getting a lot of it.

This is just little rounds of cheese (the kind that has the wax coating on it, comes in a bag) with a divot carved out in the center, add a slice of green olive filled with a little piece of black olive, then using a small thin brush paint on red gel food color to look like the eyes are bloodshot.

I will say that these are best served fresh, I made some up earlier in the day and the food coloring got smeary and blurry - didn't look so much bloodshot as just bloody hahaha. Ew.

10.29.17: Jen's easy spider cookies

10.29.16: brain hemorrhage drink

10.29.15: skeleton pretzels

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