Thursday, November 5, 2020

My Sis is Hungry: West Coast Chili

Guys I have a funny story to share, although it's about chili which really isn't that funny but a text exchange between me and my sis had me laughing out loud and I so have to share.

I made my regular ol' chili the other day and had a bunch leftover so took some out to Jen (not to review, just to share it); later she asked if I wanted her to review it because it's good and I said sure, I'll take a review even tho I've posted the recipe in the past. So she sends me this:

Some people like fall for Pumpkin Spice Latte.  Me?? I am in for the sweaters and the soup.  Does chili count as soup? I say yes.

My sister showed up to walk today with the unexpected gift of chili.  YAY! Lunch!! Covid working from home for 6 months has left me bored of bagged salad for lunch so I would have gladly eaten whatever anyone brings me… but today my sister raised the free lunch bar with this chili.  YUM.  Nothing weird or special. Probably won't win a chili cook off , but just good chili.  Big hunks of meat gave it substance, just enough spice to make it flavorful without turning off anyone who doesn’t like “hot”, just a good solid chili.  Loved it. 

If I was actually ever going make chili for myself I would give this one a try!

Sure, that's a fine review, although the 'probably won't win a chili cook off' annoyed me - so I went to my keepsake box of memento's, took a photo, and sent it to her: 😂

"Fogle Chili Bash 1st Place"

She wrote back: Touché. I hope you're gonna post that on the blog cuz it's hilarious.


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