Saturday, October 30, 2021

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

I've done a couple different posts on how to roast pumpkin seeds - I came across this one from Cathy in 2017 and thought I'd share again, so easy and I still remember how great they taste! 

fron 10/31/17: 

I still don't actually believe Cathy's recipe for these pumpkin seeds because they are SO good, SO crispy, SO flavorful, and highly addictive - I just feel like it must have more ingredients then she's saying...but she swears this is how she made them:

"I rinsed the pumpkin seeds off and let them dry. I put them on a paper towel but that's not such a great idea because as they're drying they stick. Parchment paper probably would have been better. Then I placed them in a large baggy, threw in a bunch of melted butter, salt, and a tiny bit of garlic powder. Put a single layer on a cookie sheet and baked them in the oven at 300' until they were golden brown."

If you have pumpkin seeds leftover from carving pumpkins I really recommend trying her easy recipe! If you don't have pumpkin seeds I recommend you go get a pumpkin right now just to make these ;). And if you don't like them I promise to take them off your hands (or if you just want to share with me I'll drive to your house to get some!).

here's another one for hulless pumpkin seeds from Jen 10/31/18

10.30.18: mummy calzone
10.30.16: mummy pretzels
10.30.15: spider lantern

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