Monday, January 15, 2024

Treasure Hunt in the House

Here's a fun kid thing to do that's an activity without having to go outside (in case you're stuck in the snow in MI right now!) or really it's fun any ol' time. I came across these 'clues' in my desk drawer and love the memory of Brooke and I doing this ALL the time when she was little. Write your clues on pieces of paper and number them (in case the person finds a clue that is out of order, she wouldn't know where to go next if some clues are skipped). The person figures out where the clue is sending them, they go to that place and find the next clue. Once all the clues have been collected it leads them to the last stop and there is a prize at the end. 

In the above example:
#2 "quiet time is over, what is that sound? I hear music". Brooke didn't have to take a nap at my house but we always had a quiet time period (and yes, she usually fell asleep haha); when she woke up or decided quiet time was over she would jiggle a wind chime I had hanging in 'her' room and I would call out 'what is that sound? why do I hear music?'. So she read the clue and knew to go to the wind chime to get clue #3. At the end, clue #10 led her to Uncle who was holding the prize for her (it can be anything - snacks, candy, whatever - that part never mattered haha). 

And then she would make clues for me to go on my own treasure hunt :)

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