Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Tip-sy Tuesday: Whipping Egg Whites

I posted how to whip egg whites in the Southern Spoon Bread post from 1/23/20, but reposting it in case the tip got lost in the details. I had some really sweet strawberries the other day and it made me want some angel food cake and whipped cream to go with - you need whipped egg whites to make angel food cake (if you aren't just going to buy it like I always do hahah), or to make meringue pie topping (which I hate - but you do you), or a souffle...it's a good thing to know.

First make sure you don't get any yolk in the egg whites when you separate the eggs. Let the whites stand for a bit to bring to room temperature. You can beat them by hand but I use my standing mixer with the balloon whisk attachment, turn on high and let it go until the whites are stiff and foamy, looks like whipped cream. You'll know they're stiff enough if peaks form when you remove the whisk.

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