Monday, March 30, 2020

My Plan for April

Woke up this morning thinking it's April already (!), we have at least 30 days more of social distancing, everyone I know is saying they're bored and stir-crazy, or they're worried about eating too much now that everyone is cooped up (my sis says it's called "the quarantine 15") -  then gave myself a little snap out of it shake and had a better more constructive thought. I'm going to use this time to learn some new things, try new things, make new things, find different ways to connect with my fam and friends - I'm not going to get down and become a lump on the couch binge-watching net flicks all day. I'm going to keep a routine, put my clothes on, and have a plan every day. Anyone with me? You don't have to do the things that I'm going to try - but I'm going to share with you what I do for the next 30 days to keep myself busy, not bored, not gaining weight, hopefully be interesting and interested, and able to converse about things other than how freaking difficult this time in our world is! And of course there will be crafts, recipes, tips, book reviews, etc. along the way - 'cuz that's what I do anyway, regardless of being isolated :)

I saw this little self-help tidbit about setting goals somewhere and am taking it to heart. Set some goals for yourself (or maybe just one goal!) and use this to keep your focus:

I'm writing this not necessarily to inspire you, but to inspire myself. I think when we say it out loud (or write it down for everyone to see) it makes it more real and will help me follow my goals for April!

I'm off to make a list of things I want to make/try/do for April - see you tomorrow! (PS yes I know we still have 2 days til April, but it's Monday so it seems right to start the whole experiment now!)

3.30.19: brown rice risotto
3.30.18: shaving cream dyed Easter eggs
3.30.17: desktop organizing
3.30.16: blueberry crumb cake

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