Monday, April 8, 2024

Starting Vegetable Seeds Indoors

LeDonna and I have shared gardening in large pots on my deck for the past couple/three years - so far we've gone to multiple stores every year trying to find what we want and aren't always successful. This year L had the idea to start veggie seeds indoors and this way we are able to control what we want to grow. 

Side story - last year we planted multiple-colored mini sweet peppers, I was very excited about that since I've discovered roasting them; well when they produced they weren't mini sweet peppers at all but some kind of spicy pepper! Weird. 

Anyway, she started a whole bunch of seeds maybe 3 weeks ago and they are for the most part sprouting! Super exciting. Some of the plants are already tall enough that we decided to separate them into their own peat pots so once it's time to plant them outside we can plant the whole pot right into the ground. 

I've never started seeds like this and am thrilled to know it isn't difficult at all - in fact, they are growing so quickly I'm thinking next year we won't start them so early (in Michigan we won't plant them in the garden until close to Memorial weekend, these seedlings are going to be quite big by that time!). So you still have time to start seeds if you're interested in growing your veggies this way! 

All L did was put a few seeds in a small container of potting soil, set them on a tray in front of a window that gets a lot of sun, and watered frequently. Easy!

4.8.23: words

4.8.21: fire breathing dragon kid craft 

4.8.20: wacky nail polish

4.8.19: mug rug

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