Friday, June 21, 2024

Garden Clean-up

Our garden has really taken off - note to self: don't start seeds too early next year, I think the beans got too big indoors and once planted outside they were sad and pathetic so we stuck some more seeds directly into the garden and now they are growing much better!

We spent time going thru the plants and decided we should thin the radishes to make room for them to grow larger, and then LeDonna saw a 1" long green worm on the ground. Bleck. Then we started looking closer and there were worms all over the radish leaves!!! Fortunately for me she was more willing to pick them off using a paper towel than I was, but neither of us could stand squishing them so into a trash bag and into the dumpster they went. Yuck. We dusted the leaves with Sevin, and hopefully that will stop them from returning.  

That was the exciting thing I did today ahahaha. 

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