Saturday, December 3, 2016

Phone + Water = Sad Face

Today is just a quick PSA (public service announcement!) as a reminder - even though everyone knows this already I just want to say it again - don't carry your phone in your back pocket and then try to use the restroom. Even though you tell yourself that you know already and will be careful cuz hello, you're an adult and not stupid and who does that anyway...then you do it. And the phone falls in. And you are super sad because (a) without thinking or stalling you have to immediately put your hand in there and fish it out, (b) you will most likely lose all pictures, texts, notes that you didn't back up since October, and (c) the adorable phone case that your niece made you will get wet and after it dries will forever be wavy. Sigh.

I have never heard of the old "put it in rice" trick working, but the guy at the phone store said there is a slight chance it does work if you immediately pull the sim card (stick a paper clip in the little hole on the side - that's for an iPhone anyway - and it'll pop out) and then put it in a bag of rice for at least 24 hours. Do not, absolutely do not, try to turn it on - that will short it out. Leave it alone in the rice for 24 -48 hours and then check. Maybe you'll get lucky!


  1. Sad! Just think you can get a new phone!

    1. Sorry Lisa, just now seeing this comment! Yeah, it was stupid...and I didn't even get an upgrade - just replaced it with the same exact model and color. Sigh...
