Friday, December 2, 2016

Kids Christmas Craft Day...Short-cut Gingerbread Houses

I love to have "kids craft day"! Invite as many (or few!) kids as you want, get 2 or 3 fun crafts around (depending on the craft I'll usually get the supplies ready so they are ready to assemble - you don't want them getting bored or bogged down with hard/time consuming tasks if they're young), set everything up so it's easy to see what they are making, and then turn them loose!

These are not current pictures but I still wanted to share this idea with you if you're looking for a fun kid craft  - make tiny gingerbread houses! And I have an easy "cheat" for you instead of making the houses the traditional way...cover small milk or juice boxes with store bought frosting and break graham crackers to cover. I don't have a finished photo, but you can see how the boxes look covered up before they decorated them in these photos. I set up a table with all kinds of different candies and decorations in small bowls, divide frosting up into individual containers so each kid gets one, and let them go to town. Once the box is covered with graham crackers they can attach candies with additional frosting. I don't use my yummy homemade frosting for this project, no reason to "waste" the good stuff :). This was so much fun!

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