Monday, December 10, 2018

Santa's Wreath Making Workshop

This (a) is probably not something I'll ever be able to do at home, (b) is so cool that I wanted to share how it's done with you, and (c) puts my baggie wreath, tinsel wreath, sucker wreath, spooky hand wreath, etc. to shame!! This is serious wreath making right here...wouldn't it be great to have your own Santa's wreath making workshop at your house?!!

LeDonna took pictures for me (and you!) when she went to make wreaths at Dick and Becky's workshop where they make these gorgeous evergreen wreaths every year; she gets to go help out and make some too...we've been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of one of these wreaths every December for a few years now and it's something I really look forward to - I'll be bummed if she decides to stop making and sending them (I save a place for where it's going to be hung before I even know if she is sending one hahaha!).

You get an idea of what the process is by looking at the pictures - I asked what the thing is called that is hooked onto the table and attaches the evergreens to the wreath (it looks like a big stapler), she said
"Basically it is a big clamp!  There is a foot petal that we press down and that clamps the wires on wreath around each bunch of greens. There is one pic that shows the whole table and you see the foot pedal".

They gather a lot (seriously - A LOT - look at the piles!) of different kinds of evergreen clippings; trim the pine pieces into the right sizes, and make small bundles that they then lay, one at a time, on these special wreath frames that have small metal spokes every few inches around the edge; stepping down on the foot petal works the clamp on the table that bends the spokes around the bundles and holds them in place. They keep adding bundles and clamping in place until the whole wreath is filled in. To finish - they add a big, pretty bow and (most importantly) send to very,very lucky people :)

I really do love these wreaths, and had no idea how much work was involved - receiving one of these  beautiful, fresh, handmade wreaths has always been a joy, and now I'm even MORE appreciative :) Thanks for sharing your Santa Workshop pictures LeDonna, so interesting!

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