Here's my duh move for the day - I was flipping thru my old cookbook (remember some of the other 'throwback Thursday' recipes I've made from the cookbook? One was for 'alligator pears' - I'll put some links at the bottom so you can check them out again) looking for more recipes that I want to make. I came across one for 'ham butter' and since I have a package of ham cubes and boiled eggs I thought I'd give it a go. Here's where the duhhhh comes in - which part of 'ham butter' made me not realize there is actually butter in this until I already had the ham, eggs, and pepper in the food processor?
The recipe calls for 1/2 cup of butter mixed together with ground ham and egg yolks! What the...
I could not bring myself to put the whole 1/2 cup of butter in cuz that just sounds gross. I did however add 1/4 cup of soft butter and olive oil spread (Costco, it's the best); not sure how much the extra butter would have changed the outcome but I did not particularly like this recipe and I'm pretty sure it's because I couldn't stop thinking about eating straight butter.
I decided to turn this into more of a ham and egg salad by adding extra hard boiled eggs, ham, mayo and mustard, and chopped celery. That tasted much better (I just accidentally typed 'tasted much butter' LOL); I gave it to Dave for lunch and told him it was a little experiment - shhhhh I did not tell him about the butter hahahha - and he liked it. So there you go - maybe if you didn't know it has butter in it then it tastes good hahahahah.
Here's the recipe from 'The American Woman's Cook Book' from 1938 if you want to know what ham and butter combined tastes like:
- 1/2 cup cooked ham
- 1/2 cup butter
- yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs
- pepper