Friday, May 5, 2023

My Sister Tried It: Air-Fryer Caramelized Bananas

Well, continuing on with my series for my sister of things “that I have tried “- today I have tried another “recipe” that is definitely within my wheelhouse. I saw it several times online and must be I am hungry because I decided it looked delicious. In my interest for full disclosure I will let you know that it said I could use a very ripe banana, so that also enticed me to give it a try, because I feel terrible about myself when I waste fruit or vegetables by letting them spoil.  It turns out that I am way healthier in the grocery store that I actually am at home when I am looking for something to eat. But that’s a story for a different day. Lol.

So back to my “recipe”.  This one said in the title caramelized bananas, but when I looked at the recipe, it was actually just brown sugar and cinnamon in an air fryer. How much easier could this get?

It did say I could add pecans and/or ice cream but I have no pecans and it’s lunchtime on a weekday so ice cream probably isn’t called for. 

The top of the banana did get a delicious carmelized top.  I mean come on - sugar on a warm banana ? How could I go wrong? I actually loved this as a snack. The warm banana was filling and the sugar gave it just enough sweetness to make it feel like a treat. Next time I think I’ll use less sugar (wasn’t necessary) and maybe more cinnamon instead (just to try and make it a tiny bit healthier). But hey- as a snack goes it does count as fruit and doesn’t turn my fingers orange like Cheetos do so I consider it a win. 😉 
ps.. as a side bonus it made my kitchen smell delicious! 

Below is the real recipe I copied from and my pictures! 

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