Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Jen's 'Miracle' Pork Chops

From my sister, the whiner:

Well my sister isn't feeding me often enough and turns out the darn people in this house think they need to eat EVERY SINGLE DAY. Saw this recipe on facebook (doesn't everyone get their recipe's from facebook?) so decided to give it a try.  

Looks SUPER easy and I like everything in it, so what's not to like. First issue though was I had to send Brooke to 3 different stores to try and find the french onions. Why would those be gone during a quarantine? Why is that something people would buy the store out of? Are enough people making Green Bean Casserole that this is a thing? Anyway. So I followed the directions from the facebook screen shot attached. 

Really did just season the chops, spread the sour cream on it, sprinkle the onions and bake. Their description said something magical happened. That's a lie. Nothing "magical" happened. The beans got slightly soggy like they do with green bean casserole. Not what I would define as "magical". The family wasn't super impressed and I definitely liked it better than they did but that could be because neither of them are cooking dinners night after night. I thought this was pretty good as a change and a nice easy recipe. They thought they would have preferred if I had used cream of mushroom soup instead of sour cream. True that would have provided a different flavor but at that point EVERYONE uses cream of mushroom soup on their pork chops so the onions would have been the only change. Maybe I'll try that next time. In the mean time this recipe was somewhere between decent and magical.

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