Monday, May 18, 2020

Kyle's Tree Shelf

Mickey just sent me these photos of the 5' shelf Kyle made from a tree - I love it SO much and am beyond jealous, I want this SO bad!! I told her that and she wrote "well I have extra, but you'll have to come and get it". Might just be time for a road trip to North Carolina! 

Here's what she wrote about the steps he went thru (and she said it was a lot of work - but I think it was totally worth it. LOL easy for me to say, right?!):

So he cut down a magnolia tree. Shaved it down with his chain saw. But then he couldn’t get it skinny enough with his chain saw, so he took it to a guy with an Alaskan saw mill who sliced it for him. Then brought it back and sanded it down, and stained! Used the same pipes to hang as we did the herb boxes (click here for that post).

before taking it to the saw mill
the underside