Saturday, April 9, 2022

Decoupage Easter Eggs

I came across this idea and thunked myself on my forehead for not thinking of this myself - what an easy, fun, slightly messy (in a fun way), inexpensive Easter idea! 

You'll need plastic easter eggs, mod podge, paper napkins, scissors, and a paint brush. 

Cut the napkins into small pieces. Brush mod podge onto an egg, stick on a napkin square and cover it with more mod podge. Continue sticking on squares and covering with mod podge until the entire egg is covered and then give it a top coat of mod podge. Let it try and you're done. 


  • mod podge is basically glue, and while you will definitely get it all over your fingers it washes off. 
  • while I was applying the squares my fingers got stuck to some and pulled/tore them off - I just applied more mod podge and stuck the edges back down. Can't even see where that happened. So just have fun with it and don't be too concerned about keeping all the squares perfect. 
  • once the eggs are dry the color of the plastic egg shows thru - choose light colored eggs to minimize how much color shows. After I did the yellow egg and saw how yellow it ended up I tried to coordinate the napkins to match the eggs - next time I'll use paler eggs. 
  • instead of cutting the squares you could just rip up little pieces, and it's also fun to skip the brush and apply the mod podge with your fingers haha!! 
Oh, and I realize the paper plate I'm using has colors on it - I didn't use paint for this project, I just use the same plate for different projects! Don't let that confuse you...

Click here to see how easy it is to make your own version of mod podge if you don't have any on hand and are itching to make these pretty eggs immediately! 

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4.9.17: JAR pot roast (short ribs and vegetables)
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