Friday, February 17, 2023

February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day

This is a repeat from a year ago today -  I'd forgotten about posting this and when I came across it I thought I'd share again in case you've also forgotten to be nice. I mean, in case you forgot about random acts of kindness day :)


Today is national 'Random Acts of Kindness Day', not as delicious sounding as my favorite 'national donut day' but still, it's a nice thing to keep in mind today (and every day, duh). I've seen a few sites listing some ideas for how to randomly surprise or brighten up someone's day, I've come up with a list of my own that is basically taking their lists and making another list that I thought I'd share. 

What are we making today at camp? We are making nice hahaha. 

How about:

  • making a grocery run for a neighbor, friend, shut-in, or anyone you know that maybe can't get out right now (or your sister who just doesn't like to go to the store)
  • here in Michigan we've been getting quite a bit of snow lately - I'm sure you have people who could use help shoveling; wouldn't that be a nice surprise to get all bundled up to go shovel only to find it's already been done by the mystery shoveling angel?
  • walking or playing with someone's dog. This is a better act of kindness if it's a dog you know and not some stranger that thinks you're dog-knapping their pet. 
  • complimenting a stranger is always nice and usually unexpected. And I don't mean that whole 'bless your heart' back-handed compliment which is really not usually meant as a compliment. Also don't be fake and compliment a strangers' crazy leggings because 'well look at you and your snazzy outfit' doesn't always come across as genuine...talking to you, lady at the dollar store last week. 
  • paying for the person behind you in line at fast-food or coffee drive-thru. This actually happened to me once and it totally made my day! If only I'da known she was going to do that maybe I'da splurged on the apple pie ;). kidding, kidding. 
  • make dinner for a friend, neighbor, or family member who is exceptionally busy right now and should be packing for a road trip but instead plays on her computer way too long and then is super behind and scrambling and would love if someone cooked for her. This one just got away from me and somehow turned into a plea for my sister to make me dinner. 
  • I like to make goodies and randomly drop off at neighbors or give to my UPS man, Paul. I think it's fun to surprise people like that, and it helps me to not eat all of the goodies myself. 
  • donate to a local shelter or charity. 'Cause goodness knows most of us can stand to sort out a few things. 
  • clean out art and office supplies and donate to a teacher. They always need art and office supplies! 
  • same for books and donating to the library
  • I took a picture a couple years ago in my neighborhood of someone crocheting around street signs, tree trunks, and benches. It made me happy just to come across that random act. Whether it's considered an act of kindness or vandalism I won't argue. 

That's just a small list of possible acts for you to think about. And if you choose to do random acts on days other than February 17 even better - thumbs up to you, kind person! 

2.17.21: banana pudding tart 

2.17.20: make a paper gift box

2.17.19: ðŸ”¥ week 7

2.17.18: nail art

2.17.17: coincidentally, it's how to do ombre nail art!

2.17.16: making paper crowns

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