Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Half-Square Triangle Quilt (part 2)

I showed you the start of the small quilt I made for Sarge's groomer who is leaving, click here for that post, here's part 2 of making the quilt before I finished it. Since the patterns are all so different I went with a sort-of color block scheme, starting with light aquas graduating into blues, then greens, grays, red, and black. Once I had them all laid out how I wanted, I sewed them together first row by row and then join the rows - example, I sewed the top left 2 squares together, then the third and fourth together, then the last 3 together; then sew all three groups together forming the top row. Repeat with the remaining rows. Now I had 7 rows and sewed them together the same way - join first and second rows, then third and fourth, then the last 3, finally sew the 3 groups together forming the top of the quilt. Turn over and iron all the seams - you can iron the seams to one side or the other, but I opened all the seams and ironed them flat. 

backside with the seams ironed open and flat

5.29.23: explosion box part 3.2

5.29.22: ðŸ”¥ week 22

5.29.20: flower seed bombs

5.29.19: banana bread

5.29.18: goat cheese mousse

5.29.17: happy memorial day (check out the star cookies!)

5.29.16: smashed red potatoes and summer slaw

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