Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Can Drawer/Shelf

We've been camping the past few days and I got behind on blogging - I'll go back and catch the missed days up but today I have a very cool thing to show you (ok, ok - cool in my world HA). Mark added a shallow pull-out shelf inside my pantry cabinet to hold canned goods and I'm beyond happy. I know, it's sad how little it takes to make me happy! But I'm thrilled :) 

Now I can see the cans without having to pick each one up to read the label:

5.22.23: explosion box part 3.1 (decorating 1st and 2nd layer)

5.22.22: ðŸ”¥ week 21 

5.22.21: jam thumbprint molasses cookies

5.22.18: brownie cups

5.22.17: travel packing list (spring in amsterdam, ireland, and scotland)

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